Friday, July 22, 2011


The first time I saw my dads new machine.

Chrome everything.

This one time me and lee made it into the USA.

I believe this is just over the border.

The exact moment when we found out drew wasn't going to get accross.

14 hours of riding, couple cool photos.

May 24 was a good time. Found out how rad my new air breather really is.

Side of the road duskin.


Lets raft this hoe.

This is a dried out swamp in cuba.

This is a big ass toad in cuba. Prolly about the size of my hand.

Leaping lizards! Not really they were pretty fast though.

1 comment:

  1. Great pic JG, this makes me want to BIKE and RAFT!.....and get drew in to the USAAAAAAA
